jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Let me introduce you...

For now, this online notebook will have three actors: you, my VBB and me.

Let me start by saying that I am glad you stopped by and hope you will find what you are looking for in here. If you don’t, feel free to leave me a comment or send me a message and I’ll see what I can do.

About me, there’s just nothing interesting to be told, except that I have a little experience with snakes. I’ve always been in love with animals in general and reptiles in particular. Though snakes are my favorite hands down. In September 2012 I caved in and bought a corn snake to get me started. I had Discordia for a year and she was the most placid thing. Never aggressive, good eater and shedder, she fooled me into thinking keeping snakes was easy. No, not really ;)

I knew I wanted some sort of challenge snake-wise but wasn’t really planning anything in particular. In September 2013 I went to the annual reptile show nearby, wishlist in hand with just a list of accessories that I needed, and decided to behave like a good girl. Among around 500 snakes there, just two were Vietnamese Beauty snakes, and I happened to see them. That’s how my VBB girl made her entrance…

She was this teeny tiny olive toned shoelace locked up in a ridiculous deli cup in the Serpentarium stand.  After putting some thought into it -I wasn’t prepared for her and was going to face some major logistic problems- I asked to hold her. She tried to flee from my hands just as if she was going to grow wings in mid-air, she wasn’t aggressive at all but so freakin’ nervous she started rattling her tail as soon as she was put back in her deli cup. That’s when my friend told me to get her because we were very much alike… I am not even denying it.

Here are two pictures of her when she got home, in blue:

She’s a CB 2013 female Vietnamese blue beauty. When I bought her she was probably 2 months old, measured roughly 50cm and weighed 19gr.

She sure had some serious attitude, and I just love that. I named her Furia because it fitted her very well at the time; it means fury in Spanish. I wanted a challenge and I had it. Let’s see what she put me through…

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