jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

Hey! It's me, M.!


This blog is a sort of online diary in which I will address my experience in keeping a Vietnamese Blue Beauty (Elaphe Taeniura), hoping this logbook will be useful to someone out there. I will describe the problems I’ve faced with my VBB and the solutions I’ve tried, be it wins or fails. Just know that I am by no means an expert, nor do I pretend to be one, so feel free to question anything that you find in here. Any comment or suggestion will of course be welcome!

After owning a corn snake for a while I took the plunge, bought a VBB hatchling and found myself before problems I had never faced before. How to care for a VBB hatchling? How to educate my VBB into eating frozen/thawed? How to tame my Vietnamese Blue Beauty? In order to answer those questions I surfed the web and found no books on VBBs and scarce and contradictory online care sheets. Bummer.

If you are expecting a care sheet, I am sorry to say you will not find that in here. This blog is more of an online notebook describing my own experience. Practice will eventually give you the answers you need, but maybe mine will save you a little time. However, don’t take my advice as something more than what it is; what worked for me may not work for you and your snake. I just hope this will provide you enough information to decide where to head first.

Voilà, enjoy the ride!


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